Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 7.x.
Version 7.x > Upgrades > Error in SQL script upgrading from version 6.58 to 7 View modes: 
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Ren - 1/31/2013 6:40:58 AM
Error in SQL script upgrading from version 6.58 to 7

I got the error below when running the SQL script to upgrade version 6 to 7 (I was on 6.58):

74 row(s) affected)

(31 row(s) affected)
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 7
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_COM_Order_OrderCreatedByUserID_CMS_User". The conflict occurred in database "DB855_Kentico61", table "DB855_Kentico61.CMS_User", column 'UserID'.

Could you please tell me if it is critical and the potential solution?


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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 2/3/2013 9:12:01 AM
RE:Error in SQL script upgrading from version 6.58 to 7
Hello Renato,

his issue seems to be caused by some inconsistencies in your DB. Could you please tell me if you were running an automatic upgrade via KIM (Kentico Installation Manager) or a manual?

Best regards,
Martin Danko