Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 7.x.
Version 7.x > Upgrades
Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
Visual Studio Build errors after upgrade to 7 Snarrak
10 3486 kentico_jurajo
(3/7/2014 1:16:14 AM)
Error on live website after upgrade from 6. Brandon
16 10058 kentico_jurajo
(3/2/2014 1:16:26 AM)
Upgrade to & SQL error: Failed to run SQLscript: Invalid column name 'ConnectorLastModified'. Snarrak
3 3700 Snarrak
(2/20/2014 8:51:53 AM)
Master Page Display Issue robert.vlad-bayer
3 3090 kentico_radekm
(1/12/2014 4:07:56 AM)
CMS Desk and Site Manager Icons Missing christine
5 4742 lancetek
(12/18/2013 8:48:52 AM)
upgrades and content freezes timmcqu2-gmail
2 2619 kentico_martind2
(11/22/2013 9:12:33 AM)
security patches timmcqu2-gmail
2 3254 kentico_martind2
(11/22/2013 9:07:55 AM)
Scheduler stoped working after upgrade 6-7) torsten.balslev-nilsongroup
5 3342 kentico_martind2
(11/1/2013 11:09:32 AM)
An object or column name is missing or empty kelly-lion
4 18374 josha-bpstudios
(10/24/2013 1:07:22 PM)
GetFile problem torsten.balslev-nilsongroup
3 5775 torsten.balslev-nilsongroup
(10/23/2013 9:22:47 AM)
Upgrading from 6 to 7 vovayarymovych-gmail
8 3594 kentico_edwardh
(10/4/2013 9:10:46 PM)
Session state error after upgrade marty.nord-deaconess
9 11002 Nortech
(9/26/2013 10:37:42 AM)
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found jeff.ishar-smsmt
9 5206 thepixelshop
(9/12/2013 11:55:12 AM)
DropDownList ls-s
2 2805 FroggEye
(8/28/2013 9:11:52 AM)
Responsive Example in Corporate Site esolutions
6 8556 kentico_martind2
(8/14/2013 9:02:33 PM)
Error deploying Hotfix 48 to remote Installation spautz.s-com-online
4 3708 kentico_filipl
(8/14/2013 1:26:32 AM)
Error running upgrade from v6 mgrady-galvintech
7 3953 bochen.lin-global-health
(8/8/2013 9:33:46 PM)
Upgrade for 3 servers beau.cowan-rrpartners
17 8408 beau.cowan-rrpartners
(8/6/2013 5:14:27 PM)
Upgrading License Keys beau.cowan-rrpartners
4 3037 kentico_sandroj
(7/1/2013 2:22:38 PM)
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'en-us' to data type int kj.S1ngh
14 6650 kj.S1ngh
(6/10/2013 5:51:03 AM)
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