Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 7.x.
Version 7.x > UpgradesCMS Desk and Site Manager Icons Missing View modes: 
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christine - 12/13/2012 9:06:23 AM
CMS Desk and Site Manager Icons Missing

After upgrading the site from version 6 to 7, I noticed that pretty much all of the icons in the CMS Desk and Site Manager were missing.

The only icons which are showing up are the new ones for version 7 (like the chat, banner, and translations modules). Everything else is a little blank square.

I have tried to go in and manually re-upload the document type icons to get those to show up, but have had no luck with that. I've restarted the website in the iis server, recycled the application pool, and cleared out the cache with still no luck.

This is getting very annoying and I would like to get it resolved quickly if possible.

- Christine

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 12/14/2012 2:28:11 AM
RE:CMS Desk and Site Manager Icons Missing
Hello Christine,

I've discussed this issue with our developer and there were some changes in v7 as you can see.. Now are all images loaded from the .zip file. Our developer was already solving the similar issue in the past, so here is the solution...

Could you please do the following:

1. Backup your App_Themes\Default\Images folder as first
2. Delete all of the files and folders in the folder App_Themes\Default\Images, except the DocumentTypeIcons folder
3. Make sure the Images.zip archive is located in the folder App_Themes\Default\Images

Could you please also tell me from which exact version of v6 are you upgrading to v7? Have you installed the latest hotfix before the upgrade?

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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christine - 12/17/2012 7:20:35 AM
RE:CMS Desk and Site Manager Icons Missing
Hi Martin,

Thank you very much! It worked and I have all the icons back now!

And to answer your questions, it was v6.0.23(SP1) and showed v6.0.4463 when hovered over and the upgraded version is v7.0 and showed v7.0.4640 when hovered over.

I didn't perform the upgrade so I have no idea if the latest hotfix was installed before the upgrade.

- Christine

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 12/17/2012 8:53:33 AM
RE:CMS Desk and Site Manager Icons Missing
Hi Christine,

You're welcome, I'm glad that the solution works also in your case.
And thank you for the details!

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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lancetek - 12/18/2013 8:48:52 AM
RE:CMS Desk and Site Manager Icons Missing
FYI - One of our devs also had this problem present itself. But in our case, the solution was to *properly* merge the web.config file! He'd forgotten to merge his web.config from v5.5 with the changes to v7.
