Design and CSS styles
Version 7.x > Design and CSS styles > Site Map columns View modes: 
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steve.fabian-quarternotesys - 12/6/2013 4:03:23 PM
Site Map columns
Is there a way to split the site map web part into 3 columns like the site map on the Kentico Sample store?

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kentico_sandroj - 12/6/2013 7:20:16 PM
RE:Site Map columns

The Site Map Web part uses the hierarchy from your content tree for splitting up into categories. Other than that, you can use CSS to style the sitemap as needed. E.G. define a specific height for the wrapper which will cause the categories to float to the right instead of straight down. You can use the Content Before and Content After property of the Web part to create the wrapper. That is what causes the E-commerce site to have three columns; would this approach work for you?

Best Regards,

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steve.fabian-quarternotesys - 12/7/2013 7:19:48 AM
RE:Site Map columns
Thanks. I think either approach may work for me. I'll try both.