Putting all document fields in the
Item transformation fixed my issue. Thank you.
I have a few other questions regarding the hierarchical viewer.
1. I need two item transformations on the same level using the same document type. In my menu rollover area, I'm trying to display teaser images of featured categories (first item transformation) and then a list of all categories (second item transformation). For example, two different transformations with the configuration:
Item transformation - Level 2 - MenuItem. However, one overrides the other since they both share the same hierarchical configuration. Do I need to use a nested repeater for this?
2. I can't seem to access
MenuItemTeaserImage in the item transformation. It worked fine in the nested repeaters. Is MenuItemTeaserImage accessible in the hierarchical viewer?
<%# IfEmpty(Eval("MenuItemTeaserImage"), "", "<img src='" +GetFileUrl("MenuItemTeaserImage") + "?maxsidesize=100'/>") %>
3. I need to flag certain sections as
Featured. Can sections be assigned to a
Group or
Status similar to the way products can be assigned to a
Status? If so, how can it be specified in the hierarchical viewer similar to the
WhereCondition in the nested repeater?