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Version 7.x > Site structure > Culture Specific URL Inheritance View modes: 
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Member - 2/19/2013 9:36:02 AM
Culture Specific URL Inheritance
We have just launched our first Kentico site about 6 weeks ago with a en-US version. en-CA and en-GB followed. We are close to releasing nl-NL, but I'd like to get some help with URL paths.

The default URL was

I unchecked "Use custom URL path" and the URL now correctly loads the translated page name

However, we have around 200 sub-pages under that parent page. Is there a way to make all the sub-pages load the culture specific URL without going to each page and unchecking the "Use custom URL path" box.

I want this

to change to this

when viewing the NL culture site.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 3/2/2013 4:40:48 PM
RE:Culture Specific URL Inheritance

The custom url path is just for that one particular document, however from what you are describing, you can turn this property off and set the Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO -> Use name path for URL path property instead.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann