1/7/2014 11:07:42 AM
Assembly version error when adding custom DLL
I've created a support DLL for my Kentico v7 web project to move some custom code out of app_code. The DLL compiles just fine but the website chokes after I've added the DLL to the /bin folder. I've added references from the /bin folder of the website (NOT the program installation folder) and is throwing an assembly error specifically for CMS.SettingsProvider and CMS.Controls:
CS1705: Assembly 'CMS.Controls, Version=7.0.5025.15764, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=834b12a258f213f9' uses 'CMS.SettingsProvider, Version=7.0.5025.15745, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=834b12a258f213f9' which has a higher version than referenced assembly 'CMS.SettingsProvider, Version=7.0.4947.22652, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=834b12a258f213f9'
Three questions: Is there any easy way to fix this? Are these assemblies in the GAC, and is the /bin folder of the website the wrong place to use them from? I am using hotfix 56, is this possibly hotfix related and should I upgrade?
Thanks, Christian