9/9/2013 6:56:27 AM
RE:Copying existing site to local folder
Hello Nigel,
Yes, it is possible to download an exported package of the site to your local folder and run it. However, you need to have Kentico CMS installed on your local machine with a valid license key - the one which is used for the site will work for localhost (which is a server host on your local machine) as well. You can find the key in Site Manager -> Licenses.
As for exporting the site, you can do it in Site Manager -> Sites -> <your site> -> Export site. I would recommend that you select Preselect all objects option in Step 1 of the process to ensure that you have all necessary objects to make your site run on localhost. The package is then placed in ~\CMSSiteUtils\Export folder of the project folder by default. After copying to your local folder, you can import it again through Site Manager -> Sites -> Import site or objects.
Best regards, Filip Ligac