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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Kentico adding no-store and must-revalidate to pages! can't get CDN to work View modes: 
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Kentico MVP
Kentico MVP
tfayas-avastonetech - 1/20/2014 11:11:14 AM
Kentico adding no-store and must-revalidate to pages! can't get CDN to work
This is beyond frustrating, i'm trying to hook up cloudflare CDN with kentico. I got almost all the static content caching properly, but on the actual kentico page itself (not the resources like css js png gif etc) the header has "Cache-Control: no-store must-revalidate"

The no store directive tells the requester not to store the content on local disk. How the heck do i remove it? I have the "Client cache must revalidate" unchecked so why is it still there?

on v7.0.63

Please help, the site gets thousands of visits per hour, it's maxing our bandwidth and CPU / Ram from the continual traffic.

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 1/20/2014 1:22:05 PM
RE:Kentico adding no-store and must-revalidate to pages! can't get CDN to work
I'm guessing you've checked this for the global level but how about your specific site? Select your site in the dropdown list below the CMS Site Manager logo (top left). Also, you might need to restart your application (in the Dashboard) for this to take effect.

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Kentico MVP
Kentico MVP
tfayas-avastonetech - 1/20/2014 1:24:09 PM
RE:Kentico adding no-store and must-revalidate to pages! can't get CDN to work
Local is inheriting from Global, and yes it's on the global setting.

I also went into the root doc -> General and checked to enable output caching.

It's still showing the no-store cache-control and i can't make heads or tails what is causing that, maybe it's in the kentico DLLs or something. Sadly only cache-control that you can't 'remove' via code.