My webpart does not have a container wrapped around it. When I view the source code generated, there is a master div and roughly 10 other nested divs and the last div is where the transformation comes into play. So it doesn't seem it would matter where I had my transformation code because all the html prior to my content being placed is automatically generated. See image below:

In regards to the map marker, I was able to find a
website that actually simplifies the process Google uses to format your marker. All I do is create a column with the URL and required formatting info in my SQL SelectedColumns statement like so (generates a letter):
this.SelectedColumns += ", '' + CHAR(64+ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY <DistanceColumn>)) + '/E1373E/FFFFFF/EFE5CD/' AS MapMarker";
I'm not saying this is a permenant solution but it works, for now and until this can be added to the current webparts, I'll use this.
