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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Using database without importing to custom table View modes: 
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njain-paragyte - 1/22/2013 5:25:08 AM
Using database without importing to custom table
I am new to Kentico. I have a database named 'abc'. how can i use tables of 'abc' without importing data to custom table?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 1/22/2013 5:51:57 AM
RE:Using database without importing to custom table

You can define another connection string in the web.config file and then get a connection in the code.

CMS.DataEngine.ConnectionHelper.GetConnection(string connectionString)

Then you can use ExecuteQuery and similar methods over this obtained GeneralConnection object.


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njain-paragyte - 1/24/2013 6:45:44 AM
RE:Using database without importing to custom table
Thanx for information.

But i think we can use sql data source. we can specify connection String, server name and database name, user name and password to get data in sql data source and with the help of reapeater or some other we can display data.