Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > MessageEdit set value Approved = false View modes: 
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oohoangthienoo-gmail - 1/18/2013 3:03:23 AM
MessageEdit set value Approved = false
I use the webpart MessageEdit but I do not know the set value Approved = false

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
richards@kentico.com - 1/23/2013 2:48:31 AM
RE:MessageEdit set value Approved = false

unfortunately we do not have web part called "MessageEdit" so I cant really say what do you want to do with that and how. You could provide some detailed information so we can help you with this.

Best regards,
Richard Sustek

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oohoangthienoo-gmail - 1/25/2013 2:55:31 AM
RE:MessageEdit set value Approved = false
I use "MessageEdit" the following path: CMSModules\MessageBoards\Controls\Messages

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
richards@kentico.com - 1/25/2013 4:36:12 AM
RE:MessageEdit set value Approved = false

could you please tell us the scenario you would like to achieve as I dont know exactly what are you trying to do.

Anyway if you want to set the values via API refer to this documentation http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?message_boards_api_overview.htm

Best regards,
Richard Sustek