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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > email = username on EDIT PROFILE View modes: 
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eagleag - 2/18/2013 3:51:20 AM
email = username on EDIT PROFILE

Is there any kentoc default functionality on user EDIT PROFILE to make sure EMAIL and Username fields stay in sync?

Just like on custom registration form, where you can display only the email field on the form and it updated EMAIL and Username.

I know I can do the edit profile part easily using api but was wondering if there is a built-in way to do it.

Thanks :)

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Certified Developer 13
kentico_josefd - 2/19/2013 7:44:09 AM
RE:email = username on EDIT PROFILE

Unfortunately, there is no built in way to achieve this in Kentico CMS, you will need to customize the module for this. Please let me know if you need further help.

Josef Dvorak