Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Adding all Modules to the website View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
Gitesh - 3/20/2013 10:00:51 PM
Adding all Modules to the website
HI Guys,

I have imported a website in kentico. But I forgot to assign it to a module.

Is there a way to assign the website to all modules?

Or do i need to go to each module and say add a site?

Gitesh Shah

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 3/22/2013 5:23:36 AM
RE:Adding all Modules to the website

It cannot be done in UI. However, you can do it on SQL server instead, if you run proper update query over CMS_Resource and CMS_ResourceSite tables.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik