Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > facebook post control View modes: 
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lwhittemore-emh - 5/16/2013 1:14:31 PM
facebook post control
The {% getdocumenturl() %} macro seems to only get default.aspx for me when trying to set up the post to facebook control.

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Certified Developer 13
Certified Developer 13
kentico_josefd - 5/17/2013 2:56:28 AM
RE:facebook post control

Does the same happen if you place the macro in other web parts, for example static text? May I ask which specific Facebook web part and which version and hotfix are you using? I have tested the macro with Facebook like button and static text web part on the latest v7 hotfix and it resolves correctly.


Josef Dvorak