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Version 7.x > Portal EngineSending value to Functions class in Transformation View modes: 
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usmaan.dad-controlf1.co - 6/17/2013 6:35:35 AM
Sending value to Functions class in Transformation
I am sending a value to a Functions class in App_Code but the value which is received by the method is null.

Transformation code:
<p class="<%= SMEFunctions.GetDocumentRatingCssClass(Eval("DocumentRatingValue"))%> />

Functions method:
public static string GetDocumentRatingCssClass(string documentRatingValue)

For some reason, documentRatingValue in the method signature is always Null. What am I doing wrong?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/17/2013 6:52:09 AM
RE:Sending value to Functions class in Transformation

Could you please confirm that the custom functions is added and registered as per adding custom transformation functions documentation?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Kentico Legend
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Brenden Kehren - 6/17/2013 7:21:29 AM
RE:Sending value to Functions class in Transformation
You're using
Since you are using this in the item transformation, you need to perform the Bind expression by using # vs =.

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usmaan.dad-controlf1.co - 6/17/2013 8:03:24 AM
RE:Sending value to Functions class in Transformation
Ah of course. Thank you very much FroggEye