I'm using the macro in the path field of a CMS Repeater web part.
So the documentation reads that it uses the connection string as a salt hash and I'm assuming macro security is enabled by default. So hypothetically speaking, if I'm creating the site in my dev environment with a dev database (db=KenticoDB;user=KenticoDbo;pw=abcd1234) and I go to publish my site live and remember my password isn't strong and change it, I need to update all the macro signatures?
What if I've changed the server name from a simple server name to a fully qualified domain name? How about if I've made 5 changes to my connection string during my development process and created macros throughout the process? Do I have to go back and update the macro signatures with each of those 5 changes and use my new salt even though I unchecked the sign all macros option?
Why isn't there an option to simply remove the signatures OR even better, not have that option turned on by default?
I've got this macro below that keeps erroring on me and I've attempted everything even removing and recreating it and still get a securty error stating to remove and resave with a user who has permissions. I don't want to worry about security on this macro...
{%if(CurrentDocument.NodeClass.ClassName == "custom.cta" || CurrentDocument.NodeClass.ClassName == "cms.event"){CurrentDocument.Parent.NodeAliasPath}else{CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath}@%}
I should also mention the pages I'm using this on inherit the parent page. So my structure looks like this:
--Sub Page1 (inherits Page1 template)
---custom.cta (inherits Page1 template)
It's not working on level 2 or 3 (Sub Page1 or custom.cta) even though when I debug the macro on the page it returns the correct result nothing displays except the macro security error.