Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal EngineMaster templates/page placeholder View modes: 
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Jon White - 8/9/2013 4:41:54 AM
Master templates/page placeholder

I'm new to Kentico and already confused, by something that is so simple!

I've set the master page to have a header and a footer, that's a-okay.

Now how do i work this into every other page below?

I understand that page placeholders should do this, do i add the page placeholder part to the main template? and then how do i add content to the sub pages and it appear with the inherited header and footer.

Which template settings do I use?

So my sub page template should have the main content without a header and footer?, then it gets dropped in? I just don't understand which settings make this happen.

Can someone explain simplistically/, I've looked at guides but I just don't get it, I'm going crazy!

Can anyone help? Thank you

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Swainy - 8/9/2013 4:51:36 AM
RE:Master templates/page placeholder
Hi Jon,

Welcome to Kentico :) You'll be up to speed in no time and it really is a great system to be using!

Your page placeholder should be a web part placed onto your masterpage (just like a content placeholder would in .NET).

Then when you create your template it will be dropped into this region. So you are right your master page should contain the header and the footer, then the template the bits that specific per template.

Once you have created your template (assuming you are using portal engine methodology) if you view the settings of the template there is a setting on the general tab for 'Inherit content', this should be set to Inherit only master page in your case. This will then inherit the header and footer from the master page and then add your template content into the page.

If you have any questions just give me a shout,



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/9/2013 4:52:33 AM
RE:Master templates/page placeholder

The page placeholder web part is placed on the root/master page template. This page template is then loading the sub pages inside it - which means it is inside the master page.

Please see the editing master page and the visual inheritance chapters too.

Also, a good way how to learn is to use one of the sample sites available - so you can see how the things are done and configured.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Jon White - 8/9/2013 5:04:29 AM
RE:Master templates/page placeholder
Thank you both for your help, I was on the right track but it was the content inheritance setting that got me, I think i'm getting it now.

Thank you
