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Version 7.x > Portal EngineSmart Search filter Query Culture wise View modes: 
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ashish.narnoli12-gmail - 8/19/2013 12:53:30 AM
Smart Search filter Query Culture wise
I have setup the Multiculture website and currently the site having 2 cultures. One is 'en-GB' and other is 'en-US'.

For the smart search functionality, i created ProductIndex including both Cultures. When i try to search any Product (may or may not be common in both cultures), it returned Result as desired.

Including this, i created Smart Search filter having a query like:
"SELECT * FROM View_CLA_Category_Joined WHERE ShowInSearchFilters = 1 AND Published = 1 AND DocumentCulture LIKE '{%CMSContext.CurrentDocumentCulture.CultureCode%}'
Order By NodeLevel, NodeOrder ASC"

This will return No Result.

If i pass
"SELECT * FROM View_CLA_Category_Joined WHERE ShowInSearchFilters = 1 AND Published = 1 Order By NodeLevel, NodeOrder ASC"
This will create Duplicate copies of each node (because the Searched product belongs to that Same category name which is common in both culture)

If i pass
"SELECT * FROM View_CLA_Category_Joined WHERE ShowInSearchFilters = 1 AND Published = 1 AND DocumentCulture LIKE 'en-GB'
Order By NodeLevel, NodeOrder ASC"

This returns the desired filter output.

So, my question is, where i am doing mistake for the Search filter?

Suggestions are highly appreciated :)

Ashish Narnoli

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/20/2013 1:25:50 AM
RE:Smart Search filter Query Culture wise

Could you please use the macro debug to see if your macro in the SQL query is resolved correctly?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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ashish.narnoli12-gmail - 8/20/2013 3:31:17 AM
RE:Smart Search filter Query Culture wise
Hi Juraj,
Thanks for your reply.

Actually i figured out the issue and fixed it. I just passed the current culture to the Query instead of using Macro like below:

"SELECT * FROM View_CLA_Category_Joined WHERE ShowInSearchFilters = 1 AND Published = 1 AND DocumentCulture LIKE @DocumentCulture Order By NodeLevel, NodeOrder ASC;"

It is working fine.

Ashish Narnoli