Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Drag and drop not working in Site Manager or CMS Desk View modes: 
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rlull - 8/28/2013 11:57:56 AM
Drag and drop not working in Site Manager or CMS Desk
All of a sudden, I am not able to drag and drop anything (web parts, etc) in Site Manager or CMS Desk. I've looked all over for a setting that controls this. I've also tried removing all custom javascript and CSS thinking maybe there was a conflict of some kind but that didn't work either. Ideas?

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rlull - 8/28/2013 12:36:06 PM
RE:Drag and drop not working in Site Manager or CMS Desk
Problem turned out to be missing script in CMSScripts/DragAndDrop directory. Probably related to source control issue.