I have a question regarding the editor applying nested styles. I have the following styles configured in the default.js file:
[{ name: 'Title', element: 'h3' },
{ name: 'Sub-title 1', element: 'h4' },
{ name: 'Sub-title 2', element: 'h5' },
{ name: 'Important Text', element: 'p', attributes: { 'class': 'importantText'} },
{ name: 'Styled Table', element: 'table', attributes: { 'class': 'tableContent'}}]);
The "Important Text" is meant to encompass a whole paragraph and style it in a gray box.
If I add the following text:
This is a title
But this whole section is important so needs to be highlighted including the title.
Then I apply the "Title" style to "This is a title" the source looks as follows:
This is a title</h3>
But this whole section is important so needs to be highlighted including the title.
I then highlight the whole block and apply the "Important Text" style to it it ends up like this:
<p class="importantText">
This is a title</p>
<p class="importantText">
But this whole section is important so needs to be highlighted including the title.</p>
I need it to be like this:
<p class="importantText"><h3>
This is a title <br />
But this whole section is important so needs to be highlighted including the title.</h3></p>
Is this because the editor is validating against the document type declaration and therefore stripping out the <h3> tags because technically <h3> can't be nested in <p> tags?
And I noticed that in the Corporate site they have styles like "small" and "del" in the dropdown. How would you apply your own tags like this?