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Version 6.x > Bug reports > Windows Auth doesn't seem to work right View modes: 
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Chanan - 10/20/2011 1:13:24 PM
Windows Auth doesn't seem to work right
Had this problem with 5.5R2 as well after a hotfix install for Win2K8R2 from microsoft, at the time, I just rolled back the hotfix and all went back to normal.

Anyway, I installed Kentico 6 on our intranet and followed the directions to enable Windows Auth (Again please note: this is on the same machine where we had 5.5 with Windows Auth running).

In Chrome and firefox, when I go to the site I get the browser dialog for username and password. I enter my username and password (without domain) and I can login - not the expected behavior, but at least I can login.

In IE (IE9) - I also get the username and password dialog, but no matter how I try to enter the username and password (and domain) - _ cannot login.

Yes, Windows Auth is turned on in IIS.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/21/2011 4:18:55 PM
RE:Windows Auth doesn't seem to work right

In Chrome and FF it is usual that you are asked for the AD credentials - so it is expected behavior (there is a workaround I know for FF - by changing the FF config and adding the site to it).

Regarding IE - you need to add the site as trusted site to its configuration too. I think I already posted it in another thread you started - have you tried it?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Chanan - 11/2/2011 7:58:51 AM
RE:Windows Auth doesn't seem to work right
Update: Rebooting the server fixed this problem.


FYI - now that it works - IE, Chrome & Firefox do automatically login to the intranet - no popup and no need to change the IE settings.