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Version 6.x > Bug reports > Duplicated tabs and icons in CMSDesk and Siteadmin View modes: 
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jonas-asenmarketing - 1/3/2012 10:38:05 AM
Duplicated tabs and icons in CMSDesk and Siteadmin
I am experiencing duplicated tabs and icons in cmsdesk and site manager. This started after I imported a site from another installation (same version). No errors on the import but now cmsdesk has duplicate tabs and icons as well as the administration tab in siteadmin. Everything seems to be working. Any Ideas??? Please see attached image.

Jonas Tankersley

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kentico_jurajo - 1/4/2012 2:09:47 AM
RE:Duplicated tabs and icons in CMSDesk and Siteadmin

Isn't it possible that you have imported an older version site to the version 6. It seems that in the source site the UI elements had different GUIDs for some reason than the target site. Right now, you can manually remove duplicate items from the CMS_UIElement table.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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jonas-asenmarketing - 1/4/2012 4:37:32 PM
RE:Duplicated tabs and icons in CMSDesk and Siteadmin
Thanks Juraj,

That worked for the most part but there are a few items I can't remove due to restraint conflicts. See image:

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Any idea how to get around this?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/5/2012 1:43:15 AM
RE:Duplicated tabs and icons in CMSDesk and Siteadmin

You need to delete the the "child" UI elements first and then the parent elements. It seems that the delete script is trying to delete the parent first but the children still have reference to it in ElementParentID column.

Please, find out what is the ElementParentID, find all records with the same ID except the parent, delete them and then delete the parent element.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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jonas-asenmarketing - 3/3/2012 4:42:56 PM
RE:Duplicated tabs and icons in CMSDesk and Siteadmin
Hi Juraj,
I just imported about 30 sites from one install (with duplicated tabs) to another and after the last import the duplicated tabs appeared again. Both installations are running the same kentico version / hot fix. This is really frustrating as I was unable to remove all of the duped tabs before, even if I deleted the parent ID's. Can you please look further into this? I really don't want to start over again importing all of the sites.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/5/2012 3:15:05 AM
RE:Duplicated tabs and icons in CMSDesk and Siteadmin

What was the source version of the sites?
This issue occurred only on upgraded versions or, when importing from an older version which had some inconsistent UI elements IDs.

Anyway, you can use this SQL script to remove the duplicates (for DB version 6 only). Please, be sure you have actual backups of the DB since the script can also remove something which is OK in your setup (the script will consider the ID as duplicate but it might not be it in your DB).

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus