Thanks Boris, that's working now.
I have since come across two other issues with Forms which I though I would share.
The first was this one:
[BasicForm.DataRow]: This property can be read only if it was previously initialized through set. This exception was raised when running the following code in the OnBeforeSave event handler:
string FirstName = CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetString(this.viewBiz.BasicForm.DataRow["FirstName"], "");
I was advised that the
BasicForm.DataRow property has been replaced with the
BasicForm.Data so I would need to use
IDataContainer row = this.viewBiz.BasicForm.Data;instead of
DataRow row = this.viewBiz.BasicForm.DataRow;With this in mind, the offending code was rewritten as follows:
using CMS.SettingsProvider;
IDataContainer row = this.viewBiz.BasicForm.Data;
string FirstName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["FirstName"], String.Empty);
Note: You'll need to add a
using CMS.SettingsProvider; to your code file in order to resolve IDataContainer.
The next issue was that the DataClass object no longer existed, but the updated code can be found
in this post.