Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 6.x.
Version 6.x > Upgrades > CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade View modes: 
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Peter - 11/29/2011 9:51:41 PM
CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade

We upgraded to 6.0. When I'm logged in as admininstrator in cmsdesk,
the E-commerce tab gives error "Array of groups is not correctly initialized. Menu can't be rendered. Please make sure right dimensions were specified."

and under that the information is:
Your UI profile is not granted with permission to access this section. Please contact the administrator.

I'm the administrator logged in.
Anyone else having this issue?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 11/30/2011 1:15:29 AM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade

could you please try to run the Kentico 6 web installer again on the upgraded installation and select the option to overwrite existing modules? It should create e-commerce UI elements. Alternatively, you can simply create a default corporate site for example. It should fix the issue.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Peter - 11/30/2011 4:57:10 PM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade
Hi Ivana,

First I tried to create a default corporate site, that didnt fix it. Than I ran the web installer over an existing website, that didnt work either and on top of it, it corrupted the website.

Any other suggestions?


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Peter - 11/30/2011 6:14:53 PM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade
Hi Ivana,

further to my reply...

Other things not working...

On-line marketing tab
- Scoring - error message - "Access denied" (The requested feature is not available in the CMS edition you are using: Ultimate)

- Activities, Contacts, Accounts, New account, New contact - error message - "Access denied" (The requested feature is not available in the CMS edition you are using: Ultimate)

- Contact Groups - error message - "Access denied" (The requested feature is not available in the CMS edition you are using: Ultimate)

- Newsletter - Your UI profile is not granted with permission to access this section. Please contact the administrator.

- Configuration - error message - "Access denied" (The requested feature is not available in the CMS edition you are using: Ultimate)


-Staging, File import, Blogs, Message boards,Projects, Newsletter - Your UI profile is not granted with permission to access this section. Please contact the administrator.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 12/1/2011 7:32:10 AM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade

it seems you have duplicated rows in the CMS_UIElement table. You can check it running following script:

SELECT elementname,
COUNT([ElementDisplayName]) AS NumOccurrences
FROM [Ivanat_6].[dbo].[CMS_UIElement]
GROUP BY [ElementResourceID], elementname
HAVING ( COUNT(elementname) > 1 )

Could you please send me the rows which are duplicated, then I can tell you which one should not be there.

As for the second issue. Online Marketing features are not available for ultimate edition. They are supported with the higher EMS license. If you do not want to see these UI elements you can check option Hide unavailable user interface in the Site Manager - Settings - System - User interface section. Please make sure that Site: global is selected in the upper-left corner.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Peter - 12/1/2011 3:25:46 PM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade
Thanks Ivana,

After running the script, I get 0 rows so none are duplicated.

Also I checked the "Hide unavaible user interface", it made no difference, still see for example the on-line marketing tab with all the options which are not available.


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Peter - 12/1/2011 8:31:32 PM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade
Again, further to my reply....

I checked the CMS_UIElement table and compared to a fresh install of 6.0

There is 307 items in the upgraded version and 486 items in the fresh install.

Also on the ecommerce tab, just ran a query "WHERE (ElementDisplayName LIKE '%commerce%')"

in the upgraded version got only 1 row back where in the fresh install, I got 3 rows.

Tried to run the upgrade script again on 5.5R2, it completed with some errors.

Here is the result file.... result

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/2/2011 8:33:53 AM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade

I have found a nice feature of SQL Management studio - if you double click the error message, it will take you to the part of the script which failed.

In your case, using your DB backup it failed here:

DELETE FROM [CMS_Country] WHERE [CountryName] = 'Yugoslavia'


DELETE FROM [CMS_Country] WHERE [CountryName] = 'Zaire'

These two countries no longer exists so they should be removed. But, in your CMS it seems that you have added some tax classes to them. Please, remove the tax classes first and then perform the upgrade.

We are sorry for this inconvenience.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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pbs-buussys - 12/5/2011 5:24:51 AM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade

I get the same error (and lots of others) as you "Your UI profile is not granted with permission to access this section. Please contact the administrator."

I found that you can just press the back button (in browser) then it shows you the page (like News letters).


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/5/2011 6:49:13 AM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade

Or, before the upgrade please go to Site Manager -> Development -> Modules and click to edit the modules you are having problems with. And click on the User interface tab. This should re-generate the UI permissions for given module which are missing in your 5.5R2 version.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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ryans-tushaus - 9/17/2012 12:14:54 AM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade
I am experiencing the same problem with the e-commerce tab. I have already made some customizations to my upgraded site so re-running the upgrade is not an option. I am running version 6.0.4297. Please tell me that there is a simple solution to this problem. Thanks.

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Shawn - 1/31/2012 5:13:51 PM
RE:CMSDesk E-commerce tab not available after upgrade
I successfully solved this issue by exporting the affected modules from a vanilla template instance on the same domain name. Simply creating a new site on the broken instance wasn't doing it for me. In my case I used the trial download, e-commerce template, and the modules in question hadn't been customized in my target site.

I would be very careful not to import any site or global files when making the target import. Definitely make sure the site settings show the same domain for both sites before creating any exports.

Hope that helps someone.