Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 6.x.
Version 6.x > Upgrades > localhost invalid license key on Kentico 6.x View modes: 
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george.lu-aonhewitt - 6/12/2012 9:19:11 PM
localhost invalid license key on Kentico 6.x
our company bought a ultimate license of Kentico 5.x, previously we can run localhost website without license issue. now we are getting invalid license key for localhost after upgraded to 6.x. we didn't change any configuration of our localhost site, if we rollback to 5.x, we are still able to run localhost site.

appreciated for any suggestion !!!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 6/12/2012 10:15:23 PM
RE:localhost invalid license key on Kentico 6.x

The version 6.x of Kentico uses another license key format then the previous version, so when you upgrade it you need to also regenerate your license keys. To do that, your maintenance must be valid and then you can generate one by yourself in the Client portal or you can send us a license key request to support@kentico.com.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann