Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 6.x.
Version 6.x > Upgrades > GetDocumentURL(id) and GetAttachmentUrl add to link additional tilda ('~') View modes: 
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cadi2108 - 2/6/2012 6:01:00 AM
GetDocumentURL(id) and GetAttachmentUrl add to link additional tilda ('~')
Hello, I have problem with adding additional tilda ('~') at the start urk in following cases:

string s = CMSContext.GetDocumentUrl(id);
string url = CMS.TreeEngine.AttachmentURLProvider.GetAttachmentUrl((Guid)image, "image");

What can be reason for it and how can I fix it? Before upgrade from 5.5R2 to 6.0 it was working correctly.

Best regards.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/6/2012 8:41:31 AM
RE:GetDocumentURL(id) and GetAttachmentUrl add to link additional tilda ('~')

That is a right behavior. There is no difference (in most of cases) between /test/url/path and ~/test/url/path addresses, because /test/url/path starts in the root of the application, whilst ~ is resolved as a path to the application, but the URL address, which starts with tilda, generates right address even if your application is under a virtual directory in your IIS (e.g. localhost/web1).

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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cadi2108 - 2/6/2012 9:27:26 AM
RE:GetDocumentURL(id) and GetAttachmentUrl add to link additional tilda ('~')
For me it makes difference. For example, if document url get url /text.aspx and my site is http://www.home.example.com, I have result


and I need

Before upgrade my links worked correctly.

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cadi2108 - 2/6/2012 9:51:13 AM
RE:GetDocumentURL(id) and GetAttachmentUrl add to link additional tilda ('~')
I fixed it by nested GetDocumentUrl() in function GetAbsoluteUrl(). Thank you.

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Yash - 9/14/2012 4:06:03 PM
RE:GetDocumentURL(id) and GetAttachmentUrl add to link additional tilda ('~')

I am having the same issue after upgrade from 5.5 R2 to 6.0 with SP1. Could you tell me where exactly you modify the code?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/14/2012 6:15:14 PM
RE:GetDocumentURL(id) and GetAttachmentUrl add to link additional tilda ('~')

Please check this KB article out where the common things are described which should be checked.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus