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matt-paradoxlabs - 2/3/2012 10:00:22 AM
Adding span tags to menu caption
I need to add a span tag to the menu caption for my navigation menu, but the span tag shows up in the rendered html. How can I have the tag in the menu caption but not show up on the page when loaded?

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mattrd - 2/3/2012 10:31:13 AM
RE:Adding span tags to menu caption
nm. found the solution.

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kentico fairy - 2/21/2013 11:38:57 AM
RE:Adding span tags to menu caption
How did you do it?

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lwhittemore-emh - 2/12/2014 9:54:34 AM
RE:Adding span tags to menu caption
where you able to do it with out adding any additional web parts?

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 2/23/2013 12:38:02 PM
RE:Adding span tags to menu caption
I've created a webpart in the Marketplace that extends the CMSListMenu webpart and places a <span> tag between the <a> tags. That might work for you.