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Version 2.x > New featuresAuto update feature View modes: 
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sciamannikoo - 12/13/2005 12:35:54 AM
Auto update feature

I try to suggest a new feature for future Kentico versions.

Upgrading from version to another, is easy, but very time expensive.

I think all upgrade steps, excluding some isolated case, can be written in some script, to alter database structure, tables data and project files (dlls, aspx, ascx, etc...).

Why not an auto-upgrading tool, to make:

- DB Backup
- Project Backup
- SQL Scripts execution
- Files replacing


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admin - 12/20/2005 3:55:28 PM
Re: Auto update feature
Hi Andrea,

Thank you for your suggestion. We really consider creating such as script for Kentico CMS 2.0. It's actually a little more complicated as some things need to be done manually by the developer, but we will try to make it easier.

Best Regards,