Site structure
Version 6.x > Site structureTranslation misunderstanding View modes: 
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imjames - 3/5/2012 4:57:25 PM
Translation misunderstanding
Hello all,

I think i may be missing on something on the topic of translations.

I have a webpart that has an HTML structure and in it there are different areas of text that need to be translated for all of our supported languages.

I am populating them now with web part properties using the assumption that i could just change the property on this webpart in different languages. Obviously this isn't working.

Basically on the page, the layout on the webpart stays the same, i just need to change the text for it.

Whats the best way of doing this?


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kentico_michal - 3/6/2012 3:52:09 AM
RE:Translation misunderstanding

You can use localization macros to translate content to different languages: Localization macros.

If you need to resolve macros using API, please take a look at this article: Resolving macros using API.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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imjames - 3/6/2012 11:11:55 AM
RE:Translation misunderstanding

I moved my text into different ui culture resource strings, and am using en-us as the default. However whenever I save any changes in the german language, it wipes out ALL of my en-us text. Any ideas?

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kentico_michal - 3/12/2012 7:46:22 AM
RE:Translation misunderstanding

Could you please try to apply the latest hotfix for Kentico CMS 6.0, if you have not done so already, as there were a few bugs related to the localization and UI cultures.

Best regards,
Michal Legen