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Version 6.x > API > Email send time View modes: 
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Dlglsh - 7/30/2012 9:33:08 AM
Email send time

Is there a way to reduce the time it takes for the API to send an email? When I submit a form with a 'Notification e-mail' the email is taking more than 10 minutes to come through (the last one I did was timed at approx. 17 mins).

When you're testing emails it can make it a very arduous task. :)



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nicolas.juteau-nexun - 7/30/2012 10:10:11 AM
RE:Email send time
Hello Matt (again),

I guess you are using the email queue to send email. Indeed, this waiting time can be cumbersome when you are testing email sending.

You have two options to avoid this problem:

1- Once the email has been sent with Kentico, goto Site Manager -> Administration -> Email queue. Find the corresponding email in the list and under Actions column, click Resend (the button icon is an enveloppe with a green dot). It will send the email and remove it from queue. Indeed, you have to perform this action for every email you wish to receive automatically.

2- Disable the email queue temporarily. You can disable it in Site Manager -> Settings -> System -> E-mails. In E-mail processing section, uncheck Enable e-mail queue.


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Dlglsh - 7/31/2012 3:59:10 AM
RE:Email send time
Hi Nicolas,

I've had a look at the above, the queue is set to send every minute. I unchecked Enable e-mail queue this morning and submitted the form, the email took 35 minutes to come through, so I don't think it's a queue issue.

I have the odd email that comes through corrupt but when I click the View icon in Administration > E-mail queue > Sent e-mails the email is displayed perfectly, so I think I need to raise an issue with support, but also look into a possible issue with our mail servers at the same time.

Thanks again for your help!


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/31/2012 4:51:25 AM
RE:Email send time

Have you tried using Papercut - a simple SMTP server for testing purpose to see whether the issue is on Kentico side or the SMTP server side?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus