I'm using a CMSRepeater Control to build my blog post list page.
When I'm in the second language version I load a different transformation and set the CultureCode on the CMSRepeater to the right culuture code.
This is the transformation for the second language:
<div class="blogPost">
<a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>"><%# Eval("BlogPostTitle", true) %></a>
<div class="blogCategories">
Categorías: <%# Eval("DocumentTags", true) %>
<%# IfEmpty(Eval("BlogPostTeaser"), "", "<div class=\"blogImage\"><img alt=\"" + Eval("BlogPostTitle") + "\" src=\"" + GetFileUrl("BlogPostTeaser") + "\" /></div>") %>
<div class="BlogPBody TextContent">
<%# Eval("BlogPostSummary") %> ... <a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>">MAS</a>
<div class="floatRight">
<span class='st_facebook_large' displayText='Facebook' st_url="<%# Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + GetDocumentUrl() %>"></span>
<span class='st_twitter_large' displayText='Tweet' st_url="<%# Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + GetDocumentUrl() %>"></span>
<span class='st_googleplus_large' displayText='Google +' st_url="<%# Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + GetDocumentUrl() %>"></span>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
It is being used properly and the repeater is pulling only the documents in this culture, but GetDocumentURL() inside of it is giving me the wrong culture's URL to the posts.
for example it's giving me
rather than
What do I need to do to fix this? I don't see anything in the documentation on how to force it to the right URL scheme.