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sparker-pmcworld - 10/28/2011 11:49:36 AM
Newsletter issue Macro

Trying to add some macros to a newsletter issue without luck. I just want to see how this new feature works in 6.0 and the values never seem to show when i send the issue. Insert field works perfectly.

Does anyone have any examples of how this can be used?

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kentico_edwardh - 10/28/2011 7:59:05 PM
RE:Newsletter issue Macro

Can you please let us know what you are using for macros within your newsletter, and what you are receiving when the macro is resolved.

An Email macro that will resolve the recipient e-mail address in a newsletter would look like:

You can use macros as described on the link below

Best Regards,
Edward Hillard

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manoj-pulldigital - 6/26/2012 6:08:36 AM
RE:Newsletter issue Macro

I am having the same problem, for example if I want a newsletter with some new stories / blog articles in the template. Obviously one cant use repeaters there and so the macros made sense, but the following does not work (based on the demo site):

{% CMSContext.Current.Documents["/News"].Children.WithAllData.ApplyTransformation("CMS.Root.NewsInText") %}

Any idea?


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 6/26/2012 8:54:54 AM
RE:Newsletter issue Macro

This seems to be an issue with the current version. As a workaround a custom macro can be used. This behavior should be fixed in the 7.0 version of Kentico.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko