2/14/2013 8:39:33 AM
Styles Dropdown Not Populated When Editing Blogs
I'm using V6.0.58 and I've configured the CKeditor to use the stylesheetparser plugin so the Style drop down is populated from the CSS in the Kentico database.
I've added/editted the following lines in the /CMSAdminControls/CKEditor/config.js. config.extraPlugins = 'CMSPlugins,stylesheetparser'; config.contentCss = '/CMSTemplates/URMC/content.css'; config.stylesSet = [];
This works fine on pages but the Styles dropdown in the editor is not being populated when I edit a blog post. So if I'm editing the Post text field of a blog and click the Styles dropdown, it's empty.
Why is this not working for blogs?
Thanks, Scott