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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Media Library & Custom doctype View modes: 
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Snarrak - 10/27/2011 3:48:02 AM
Media Library & Custom doctype
I want to add some restrictions and extra fields to an image, so I made a custom doctype.

With which setting can I connect this to the media library, so users can add custom-images to the media library?
Second thing is: I don't want users to add standard files any more, so how can I set the media library to only allow my custom-images?

Anyone done something like this?


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kentico_michal - 11/3/2011 9:18:18 AM
RE:Media Library & Custom doctype

If I am getting right what you are after, you will need to develop a custom form control that will upload the file to media library and use it in your custom document type: Developing form controls.

In terms of your second question, could you please describe what you mean by your custom images? If you want to allow only some files extensions you can specify Media file allowed extensions (Site manager -> Settings -> Content -> Media).

Best regards,
Michal Legen