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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Bulk Role Assignment View modes: 
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Armysniper89 - 10/25/2011 11:51:58 PM
Bulk Role Assignment
So I imported all my users using the wonderful Import Toolkit...one little thing I would love is the ability to assign at the same time as import, a role to each user. But in lieu of that, how can I assign ALL users in the site to a specific role? I can see that in the Site Manager that I can do it under Roles for up to 100 users at a time. But I have 58k of users. How can I easily accomplish this?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/26/2011 1:25:22 AM
RE:Bulk Role Assignment

Which import toolkit you mean?

do you mean the AD import tool - in this tool you can select the roles where you want to assign the users or you can use the AD roles as well. Could you please clarify what exactly you mean?

And right now, you can use the API and create a code or custom utility which will assign the users to the roles. The API examples are here.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Armysniper89 - 10/26/2011 3:12:11 AM
RE:Bulk Role Assignment
The regular import toolkit...not AD. I have data in another ASP.NET CMS that will remain nameless. ;) So I am looking to assign roles to users after doing an import through the Import Toolkit.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/31/2011 4:41:45 AM
RE:Bulk Role Assignment

In this case you can create a simple utility or just code script using the API to assign desired users to role(s).

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus