Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Template Questions View modes: 
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Jiwicky - 10/25/2011 3:06:06 PM
Template Questions
I have kind of a specific question on page templates. I am putting together a site with 5 sections, and I want the header to look a little different on each one, so that rules out using the master page. So, I would make 5 different templates for this, one per section, right?

Then under the 5 different categories I want to vary the web parts that are in those pages. I thought I figured out how to do this, but when I tried to inherit only certain levels I can't edit anything else on the page.

So how do I set the tree up to have some content inherit but still be able to edit the rest of the page? When we do major edits to navigation, I don't want to go back and touch hundreds of pages because of so many AdHoc templates. Thanks in advance for your help.


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Jiwicky - 11/1/2011 8:27:50 AM
RE:Template Questions
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