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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Displaying Blogs according to user roles View modes: 
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pavan.nalam-bsil - 12/5/2011 6:43:42 AM
Displaying Blogs according to user roles
I want to implement blogs module with some restrictions.

After creating a blog I would like to restrict to particular roles.

So how can i achieve this. please help me

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 12/5/2011 7:42:49 AM
RE:Displaying Blogs according to user roles

You can create some custom logic in the global event which is responsible for handling the creation of blog posts, which will add the necessary permissions to the newly created node with our API. For more information on creating event handlers, please check our documentation.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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pavan.nalam-bsil - 12/6/2011 12:59:33 AM
RE:Displaying Blogs according to user roles
Thanks for your reply.

Will you please help me in this aspect. if i need to restrict for particular rolls what are the objects or classes i need to use for customize.

is there any sample code for this. if available please let me know.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 12/6/2011 2:17:39 AM
RE:Displaying Blogs according to user roles

If you follow the given documentation then you should achieve exactly the described result. The example codes are mentioned in the given topics referenced in my first post. For more information on the mentioned API methods please check our API reference. Additional information on the new customization model can be found on our CTOs blog post.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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pavan.nalam-bsil - 12/6/2011 6:57:05 AM
RE:Displaying Blogs according to user roles
For this subject i tried in different way. let me share with you.

I have created one blog. under properties-security of that blog i added one user and deny all access writes. Now when i login as user i can view the blog but on click of that blog its displaying an error message

Access to the page '/Kentico 6.0/Blogs/***/December-2011/Online-booking.aspx' is denied.

I am looking for
Even it should not display to the user.

Can you help me in the same.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 12/6/2011 7:24:33 AM
RE:Displaying Blogs according to user roles

Could you please let me know where the blog post is displayed? If you are talking about the content tree in CMSDesk, then this isn't regrettably possible. However, if we are talking about the live site in some navigation menu, then you should only have to change the property "Check permissions" to checked. This should hide all the documents to which you don't have sufficient permissions.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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pavan.nalam-bsil - 12/6/2011 11:13:12 PM
RE:Displaying Blogs according to user roles
Hi Boris,
Thanks for your reply.

i am talking about live site.
After deny all permissions still i can see the blog in live site.
I am not willing to display in the live site after all the permissions deny.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 12/7/2011 6:14:30 AM
RE:Displaying Blogs according to user roles

Could you please confirm, that the navigation web part has the check permissions check box set to true? Could you please post a screenshot of it?

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko