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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Issue with updating files View modes: 
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i.coughlin-healthed - 12/14/2011 1:14:42 PM
Issue with updating files
I am somewhat of a novice to kentico, so I apologize in advance.

I am attempting to create a corporate intranet using the out of the box example intranet site. I have been setting up some new web parts, and have been trying to create some new content pages, which seems to work fine, but I can't seem to update any files within the system. I can delete and create a new file, but then I need to update any links to that file, which will be a problem when we have our general content authors updating the site.

I have tried both updating those within content modules, like the teasers in the news items, and files that are just sitting in the folder structure. I am able to delete any of the files and recreate them, but if I try to update an existing image for example, I can't.

I click on the update link either for the file, or for the image within the news web part for example. I am given the normal file browse window, and then select the file through the browse function, and it seems to start loading the file, but then I am getting a message saying "You are not authorized to perform this operation".

I have admin rights, and I checked, and I can see that I have all the permissions on all the content types, so I am very confused as to why I am getting this error message. I don't see any specific permissions for file updating, it seems like the permissions are more high level.

Thanks in advance.

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charbf - 12/14/2011 2:39:37 PM
RE:Issue with updating files

Have you checked the server security of the folder? you application pool user might not have the modify right!


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i.coughlin-healthed - 12/14/2011 5:06:41 PM
RE:Issue with updating files

I thought about the file permissions, but when i went to look at our settings, we are only storing files in the database, not in the file system.


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Certified Developer 9
charbf - 12/14/2011 6:59:05 PM
RE:Issue with updating files

Then have you tried to check the database's right?
