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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Multiple Image upload in Repeater through kentico View modes: 
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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
vikash.kumar-netsolutionsindia - 12/16/2011 6:14:18 AM
Multiple Image upload in Repeater through kentico

I have Repeater on aspx page. I am adding <cc1:CMSEditableImage ID="EditImage" ImageTitle="Image" runat="server" /> in ItemTemplate.
When I upload the image through kentico. Image is same in every Row. Data bound in repeater then Id of this control change. Means multiple control add.
But did not upload different image.
I want to upload different image in repeater through Kentico.
I also add the upper control in repeater. but why it is uploading different image.
Please provide me solution.

Vikash Rana

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 12/16/2011 7:01:52 AM
RE:Multiple Image upload in Repeater through kentico

May I know in the first place what are you trying to achieve? The solution you are using at the moment does not make any sense to me. CMSEditableImage control stores the images on current document [CMSDocument table, column DocumentContent] (on document where your repeater sits) and with the repeater you are displaying (I guess) content from some other documents from your content tree (of course, if you are using Kentico CMS repeater and not the standard .NET repeater – this was not mentioned in your description). Wouldn’t it make more sense to keep the image as part of the documents (let’s say to add custom field to your document type of type file) you are displaying/listing with the repeater?


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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
vikash.kumar-netsolutionsindia - 12/16/2011 7:28:42 AM
RE:Multiple Image upload in Repeater through kentico

I am not using CMS repeater. I am using Asp repeater. I am placing control in the repeater. (ItemTemplate)
I want to describe that. when upload the image in CMS kentico.
Multiple control display of CMSEditableImage. I uploaded the Image. Display the the same image in all row
1. Row1----Image1
2. Row2---Image1
But i should be display
1. Row1----Image1
2. Row2---Image2

I want to display the Image Point 2 in repeater. Admin Can change the different image according he/she want.
But same image display Like A.
Now you can understand my point.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 12/16/2011 8:09:56 AM
RE:Multiple Image upload in Repeater through kentico

Instead of what are you doing at the moment (which is not of the best practice), please use CMS Repeater control with transformations and upload your images into your content tree as documents of type CMS.File. In this case administrator/editor can change the images in your content tree and still the CMS Repeater will display them via transformations.

CMSRepeater control:

