Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Modifying WebParts View modes: 
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Jim - 12/13/2011 5:12:26 PM
Modifying WebParts
What is the best policy on modifying an existing Kentico WebPart/Control?

We want to change the display of the shopping cart to allow a thumbnail of the product image. From what I can tell, I would need to modify the ShoppingCartContent control to display an image. This control is not a web part per se, but one of the controls that make up the shopping cart web part.

Is it better to:
1. Modify the existing Kentico control with the risk that our changes might get wiped out on a hotfix update.
2. Copy the control and modify it with the risk that the new control won’t receive updates that the original control would receive.

Or if there’s a better way to accomplish this?


Jim Garwacki

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charbf - 12/13/2011 7:25:53 PM
RE:Modifying WebParts

With the New Kentico Installation Manager (KIM) Modified Files are not over written

you would get some thing like this

ex: ShoppingCartContent.ascx

There is also a VERY nice log of all those files at the end of the Upgrade/HotFix

I used to copie the Kentico's control/Webpart.

Now i'm not so sure I would.


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Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/14/2011 5:47:23 AM
RE:Modifying WebParts

The previous post about the Installation Manager is true. But anyway you will have just the two options since the manager won't merge your changes.

1. In this case you will get the list of customized files and you must merge your custom changes with the new, fixed files manually
2. In this case you won't get the list of customized files - you need to keep it by yourselves and then merge the changes manually

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Jim - 12/20/2011 3:46:47 PM
RE:Modifying WebParts
Thanks for the info. Looks like we'll probably choose on a case by case basis. It's good to know that the hotfixes will notify me of a change, so I can merge it manually.

Thanks for your help.

Jim Garwacki