Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Custom table View modes: 
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nabraham-tibus - 1/18/2012 6:20:08 AM
Custom table

I want to create a custom table through Kentico, Can I change the primary field name through kentico. (in kentico ity shows as ItemID, I want to change it.)

If I change the fiels name in SQL datbase, the new name is not showing in kentico cms.

Thanks, Nibu

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 1/18/2012 7:04:31 AM
RE:Custom table

Regrettably, it is not possible. As you can see in our documentation, the primary key name cannot be changed:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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nabraham-tibus - 1/18/2012 7:27:07 AM
RE:Custom table
Thanks Jan Hermann

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nabraham-tibus - 1/18/2012 7:41:23 AM
RE:Custom table
Hi Jan Hermann

Thanks for the Info. How can I import the date to the kentico custom table ? Is there any method in kentico.

Thanks, Nibu

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 1/18/2012 9:46:09 AM
RE:Custom table

Of course, please follow the link below to our documentation:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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luyolo.mhlauli-nmmu.ac - 1/23/2012 3:10:16 AM
RE:Custom table
I have an asp.net calendar control. When you click on a date it passes the date(string format) to another page which has a custom table form web part . The custom table form web part has two fields( date and description ). How can I get the date in the querystring inside the date field using code when the custom table form web part loads.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 1/23/2012 6:35:56 AM
RE:Custom table

We have no such a web part called custom table form web part, so that would be your custom one and you can use our API to get the value from your parameter in a query string like this:
CMS.GlobalHelper.QueryHelper.GetString("param", "no parameter");

(where "param" is a name of a query string and "no parameter" is a default returned string, when the param is missing in url)

Best regards,
Jan Hermann