Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
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pwn.singh86-hotmail - 1/18/2012 6:14:59 AM
please tell me
Can anyone tell me what is difference between NodeID( nodeID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(QueryHelper.GetString("nodeid", ""), 0);) ,
SkuID and anyFileID ?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 1/18/2012 6:46:35 AM
RE:please tell me

Of course, ID always means an identificator, under which is an object stored in the database:

NodeID -> identificator of a node in your content
nodeID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(QueryHelper.GetString("nodeid", ""), 0); -> GetInteger function returns NodeID, if the nodeid variable contains an integer number and if it doesn't, then it returns the second parameter, which is 0 in this case
SkuID -> identificator of a product
anyFileID -> identificator of some file

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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pwn.singh86-hotmail - 1/18/2012 7:23:55 AM
RE:please tell me
Can u tell me how to get SkuID and anyFileID ?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 1/19/2012 7:12:39 AM
RE:please tell me

It really depends where do you want to get those IDs. If you want to get the SkuID in a transformation, you can write <%# Eval("SKUID") %>. You can get the SkuID also through a macro {%SKUID%}, which returns you an ID od current document. Or you can get the SkuID by using our API like this CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeSKUID.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann