1/23/2012 5:33:28 AM
RE:Regarding the Product detail functionality
Hi Ivana,
thanks for reply.. I am not using the ecommerce module.. I have created a new document type, with name, description, image etc fields, In transformation I have written the following code:
<div class="top-content-area"> <div class="top-cont-left"> <div class="protitle-box"> <div class="pro-title"><%# Eval("Name") %><br> <span><%# Eval("Title1") %></span></div> <div class="pro-logo"><%# GetImage("image") %></div><br class="clr"> <%# Eval("Detail") %> </div> </div> <div class="top-cont-right"><%# GetImage("LargeImage") %></div><br class="clr">
<div class="bottom-cont"> <div class="color-title"> Different Color View</div> <div class="bottom-left"> <ul><li> <a href="#" onmouseout="showP()" onmouseover='showT("<%# IfEmpty(Eval("Color1"), " ", Eval("Color1")) %>")'><%# Eval("Color1") %></a>
</li> <li> <a href="#" onmouseout="showP()" onmouseover='showT("<%# Eval("Color2") %>")'><%# Eval("Color2") %></a> </li> <li> <a href="#" onmouseout="showP()" onmouseover='showT("<%# Eval("Color3") %>")'><%# Eval("Color3") %></a> </li> <li> <a href="#" onmouseout="showP()" onmouseover='showT("<%# Eval("Color4") %>")'><%# Eval("Color4") %></a> </li> <li> <a href="#" onmouseout="showP()" onmouseover='showT("<%# Eval("Color5") %>")'><%# Eval("Color5") %></a> </li>
</div> <div class="bottom-middle"> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> function showT(q){ document.getElementById('ima').setAttribute('src','/CorporateSite/media/VideoGallery/RMC/Color/'+q+'.jpg') //document.getElementById('ima').setAttribute('src','/CorporateSite/media/VideoGallery/RMC/Color/'+q+'.jpg')
function showP(){ document.getElementById('ima').setAttribute('src','/CorporateSite/media/VideoGallery/images/Product/'+'color-view'+'.jpg') } </script> <!--<a href="default.aspx" onmouseover="this.src='/CorporateSite/media/VideoGallery/images/Product/color-view.jpg';" onmouseout="this.src='layout/home_off.gif';"> </a> --> <img id="ima" alt="" src="/CorporateSite/media/VideoGallery/images/Product/color-view.jpg" style="width: 232px; height: 191px" /></div> <div class="bottom-right"> <!--<%# Eval("Color2") %>--> </div> <br class="clr" /> </div> </div>
I have added iages in a folder then here I am giving path to that image and on mouse over the image is dispplayed.
Is it possible to add a for loop in transformation,
and IS it possible I allow user to add color image on add item form and then I get that image path in transformation so that there is no need to add image in advance,
Then It will be easier to user.
Thanks Sansugoi