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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Adding widgets to an alternative registration form View modes: 
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CJB - 1/26/2012 10:20:15 AM
Adding widgets to an alternative registration form
I have created an an inline widget that I have placed on an alternative registration form. At the moment the widget should just display some text but I am going to expand it to display information from a 3rd party database later.

When the page is displayed with the alternative registration form on it the following is displayed instead of the content of the widget:

{ ^widget|(name)Registration|(DisableViewState)False|(DisableMacros)False|(Visible)True|(UseUpdatePanel)False|(widget_displayname)Registration^ }

Is there anything else I need to do to correctly display the content of the inline widget.

Craig Bennett

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Jiveabillion - 1/27/2012 2:57:44 PM
RE:Adding widgets to an alternative registration form
I don't think you can use inline widgets in the context of a custom registration form. I may be wrong though.

If I understand you correctly, you are placing this inline widget code in the alternative form editor and the widget does not contain the registration form. The way you have worded your information is just a little bit confusing.

The reason I don't think you can use inline widgets in the alternative form editor is because I'm pretty sure that the inline widgets are saved in the page content field of the page. If that is true then there would be no place for the widget to be saved in the alternative form because it is not a page. Again, I could be wrong about this.

In either event, I don't believe that inline controls are resolved by the process that resolves the alternative forms. You will likely have to create a custom form web part or add that widget separately on the page with your registration form widget.

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Jiveabillion - 1/27/2012 3:23:10 PM
RE:Adding widgets to an alternative registration form
After some investigation I discovered that I was right about the resolver for alternative forms not resolving inline widgets. It also doesn't resolve regular macros. All it does is replace the $$ macros with form and label controls. You're going to have to find some other way to get your widget on the page.

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CJB - 1/28/2012 4:34:50 AM
RE:Adding widgets to an alternative registration form
Thank you for the information.

Sorry for the confusion. I had just named the widget Registration. It does not contain the registration form, I am just trying to place the inline widget in the alternative form editor.

I wonder why there is the ability to add an inline widget from the alternative form editor toolbar when they do not get resolved.

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Jiveabillion - 1/28/2012 10:56:16 AM
RE:Adding widgets to an alternative registration form
The developers probably just didn't think of removing everything from the toolbar that couldn't be used in the alternative form. It uses the default full toolbar set. It's understandable that they missed this small detail in the large scope of things.

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kentico_zdenekc - 2/10/2012 10:24:57 PM
RE:Adding widgets to an alternative registration form

I can confirm that both inline widgets and inline controls cannot be used in the alternative form (e.g. here on the custom registration form web part).

You will need to create a custom form control and display it in one of your fields in the alternative form (see Developer's guide article on developing form controls)

As for the toolbar - you can control which toolbar set will be displayed in your form fields with editor and even configure such set, so the insertion of inline widgets/controls is not offered.
