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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Smart Search Results Filtering Based on Roles View modes: 
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i.coughlin-healthed - 2/21/2012 3:40:41 PM
Smart Search Results Filtering Based on Roles
I am working with a Kentico Intranet, and I am looking for a way to filter out search results for which the current user doesn't have access. We have several files that are accessible only to the members of specific departments, and currently when other users search they see these documents in the results, but they get an error message when they try to access them, because they don't have the correct roles. Is there some way to get the smart search to remove the content that the users don't have permission for from the search results all together, rather than getting an error message when they click on the item in the results?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/22/2012 1:54:31 AM
RE:Smart Search Results Filtering Based on Roles

Yes, there is a way and it is described in the documentation too :-)

You need to check the "Check permissions" box in the search results web part.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus