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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Staging Sync failing View modes: 
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jheavner-ce - 2/29/2012 11:05:44 AM
Staging Sync failing
It's my understanding that synchronization uses GUIDS to ensure data integrity. However, I'm pretty sure that's not the case. I have a document on my development server with a NodeID of 709. When it synced to my staging server the NodeID became 620. Both documents have matching NodeGuid values. When I create a document under this document and attempt to sync, the sync fails and says the parent node doesn't exist and to please sync the parent node first. The parent node is there and the GUIDs match.

Just for fun I ran SQL Profiler to see what was happening. Here's the first applicable capture that demonstrates it's using NodeIDs and not the NodeGUID.

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT NodeAliasPath, NodeSiteID, NodeClassID FROM CMS_Tree WHERE [NodeID] = @ID',N'@ID int',@ID=993

Can someone please tell me what's going on here? This seems like a pretty significant bug. NodeID is an Identity. Those values are never going to be in sync unless it's a happy accident.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/12/2012 6:26:47 AM
RE:Staging Sync failing

I have verified this with our developers and the nodes are synchronized against the GUIDs. The query you see is most probably from something else. Isn't it possible that the nodes were changed on the target server (e.g. moved to other location)?

What happens is you synchronize the current subtree using appropriate button?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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jheavner-ce - 3/12/2012 8:32:33 AM
RE:Staging Sync failing
If I synchronize the current subtree it fails. The only way I've found to get around this is to delete the top-level pages/documents from the target, delete the affected pages on the source, recreate the pages on the source, and then sync the entire subtree.

I do think that some of the documents on the source had been moved. My guess is that they were created somewhere else and were dragged into that section. Still I would have thought that syncing the subtree would have picked them up but I guess not.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/15/2012 3:01:19 AM
RE:Staging Sync failing

I was unable to reproduce the issue according your description. It seems, that for this particular document(s) something went wrong when moving them. Are you able to reproduce the issue every time? If so, could you please describe the exact steps?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus