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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Custom Tables problem View modes: 
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eoin-fusio - 3/23/2012 7:43:22 AM
Custom Tables problem
I have a custom table showing all the relevant data from a given table with a parameter at the end of the query that in pseudo-code is something like:

Show me everything from this table where columnX = '0'

Now I want to create another custom table showing all the data in that table but with the following query:

Show me everything from this table where columnX <> '0'

I try this and the CMS says: DataClassInfoProvider.SetDataClass]: The Class 'customtable.Bookings' already exists.

I want to query the bookings table twice, two different custom tables with very slightly different queries.

How can I do this?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 3/24/2012 8:45:01 AM
RE:Custom Tables problem

you could use for example combination of two web parts custom table data source and basic repeater. This way you could create two pairs and in each data source web part define a different Where condition.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova