Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Generate PDF from Kentico content View modes: 
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rvanoord-allmail - 4/20/2012 6:28:57 AM
Generate PDF from Kentico content

Does anybody have experience with generating PDFs and/or InDesign files from content published in Kentico CMS?

We envisage a scenario where content published to the web also can be converted to print form, without maintaining two completely different content sources.

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Kentico MVP
Kentico MVP
bmckeiver-bizstream - 4/21/2012 11:22:23 AM
RE:Generate PDF from Kentico content
It kind of depends on your needs. You can try the webpart from r42 communication athttp://www.r42.ca/r42-blog/June-2011/New-web-part--Kentico-connector-for-ABCpdf. My company has accomplished this via a custom handler that basically converts the outputted html to pdf on the fly, but took a bit of custom code to do it.