I have run into a strange situation where the UserNickName field in CMSDesk->Users->MyUser->Friends is returning a custom field instead of the proper UserNickName field from UserSettings. I have checked the data and it is proper.
I tried to run down how that unigrid was being filled which led me to the file CMSModules\Friends\Controls\FriendsList.xml and the line
<objecttype name="community.friendlist" columns = "FriendID,UserName,UserNickname,FullName,FriendComment,FriendApprovedWhen" />
From the developer's guide, unigrid xml objectypes should be defined in CMS_Class. community.friendlist is not found in that table.
I'd like some pointers or insight into my particular issues and where the community.friendlist object is defined. I'm running v6.0.4377
Thank you